Thursday, February 13, 2020

Never Underestimate the Value of a Toothpick

We all probably have a few (or a few hundred) toothpicks lying around the house. Some are round, some are flat, and we know what they're supposed to be used for. But in a pinch, they can serve other purposes.

In our house we always keep a few handy for those times when a screw gets stripped or simply when the hole for the screw is too large. Just insert one or more flat toothpicks into the hole in question, and the screw can be used again. It bites into the soft wood of the toothpick and securely holds.

Toothpicks are also great little glue applicators when you need to do some precision gluing in small spaces.

Here's a video with some other interesting ideas.

And here's a fun trick you can try with toothpicks. Just for kicks.

Have a great day!

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