Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Bridge

A cute little video about where being stubborn and uncooperative gets you. (But it's not preachy. I promise, it's adorable)!

Bridge from Ting on Vimeo.

(Also, this isn't in HD, for those of you who have told me that you have trouble viewing Vimeo videos. I recommend letting it load for about 30-45 seconds before trying to watch it. By then it should have buffered enough. Just watch the gray line to see how far along it is).


Laney4 said...

Cute, Myrna. Yes, I have let it load for several minutes before playing in the past, but I'm thinking that my computer had been on all day when I did that, whereas today I had just turned it on. Don't know, but I'll keep an eye on it. Many thanks.

Myrna Mackenzie said...

Elaine, I'm glad it worked a bit better this time. I'm trying to be more selective in my use of Vimeo videos, but the more artsy ones and a lot of the animation (my favorite) end up there rather than YouTube. I'm trying to remember not to post anything in HD (although I'm pretty sure you can click off that if I forget). Thanks!