A cute little animated short about Lady Frances Simpson's journey from England to Canada. Not being up on my Canadian history, I'm not fully cognizant (or even partially cognizant) of the whole story behind this, but it was a fun little vignette, and the National Film Board of Canada always produces such interesting films.
I'm born and bred Canadian, but I'd never heard of her. I have, of course, heard of the Hudson's Bay Company, but I hadn't heard anything about the founder's wife.
When growing up in the sixties and seventies, as a treat we would have this black and white television pulled in on a giant wheeled stand to our classrooms, where we would get to watch a Canadian documentary on God knows what. B-O-R-I-N-G! (This being said by the girl who had the highest female marks at public school graduation, so I SHOULDN'T really call it boring - but it was to me!) Before all these documentaries, though, would be cute little vignettes like this. This one was done in 1978, so I was just graduating college by then and missed it.
I love the way they suck us in to history with humor.
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