This is advertising from a company that does...well...advertising, but I liked Clayman, so here it is. (Sometimes we all have days like the one he's having, don't we)?
I'm never sure if unexpected endings are good or bad. I guess it depends. There are books and movies where I didn't see the ending coming and felt cheated, and then there are others (The Sixth Sense, perhaps?) where I was glad that I'd been caught off-guard.
The Sixth Sense? Out of the very few movies I have gone to the show to see, this one was my all-time favorite. No doubt about it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Saw it again in its entirety just to see what clues I missed along the way. I was definitely "caught off-guard" but in a good way with this movie, like you.
It's one of my favorites, too. I've met people who've told me that they figured out the surprise ending long before the movie clued them in, but I was so sucked into the movie that I was caught totally by surprise. In the very best way.
Cra-zy. I expected a different ending.
I'm never sure if unexpected endings are good or bad. I guess it depends. There are books and movies where I didn't see the ending coming and felt cheated, and then there are others (The Sixth Sense, perhaps?) where I was glad that I'd been caught off-guard.
The Sixth Sense? Out of the very few movies I have gone to the show to see, this one was my all-time favorite. No doubt about it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Saw it again in its entirety just to see what clues I missed along the way. I was definitely "caught off-guard" but in a good way with this movie, like you.
It's one of my favorites, too. I've met people who've told me that they figured out the surprise ending long before the movie clued them in, but I was so sucked into the movie that I was caught totally by surprise. In the very best way.
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