Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Book Covers by Larry Roibal

Yesterday I talked about To Wed a Rancher taking 5th place in a cover contest. When I contacted a representative from Cover Cafe to thank her for having the contest and to praise the artist, she told me that Larry Roibal was the artist. That was interesting, because Larry has done a couple (or more) other fantastic covers for my books. Here are two of them (and if you click on the Cover Cafe link, he also did the cover for the second place book by Susan Gable):

I've also found a couple of wonderful (and interesting) articles about him. In this one (from a post from Liz Fielding's blog in 2008), he explains his process. I've read this post before, and it still intrigues me years later.

Larry, wherever you are, thank you for so many wonderful covers!


Mary Preston said...

He obviously does great work!!

Myrna Mackenzie said...

I wish he had a list of all his book covers somewhere. I'd like to see them.

Larry Roibal said...

You are too kind Myrna. Thank you for the pat on the back t is very much appreciated.

Myrna Mackenzie said...

Larry, you're welcome. The artists never get enough credit, but the authors all know how valuable a good cover can be.

Shirley said...

I think it's just too cool, Myrna. And I agree--Larry's work is awesome. Saw one of my covers on his site, and it was a huge thrill for me!

Linnae Crady - Committee Chair/Cover Cafe Publisher said...

Since Cover Cafe became the sponsor of the annual contest in 2005, Larry's covers have appeared in the Series contest finals 7 times. His work is always full of love and joy. I love his covers!

Myrna Mackenzie said...

Shirley, was that Back to Mr and Mrs? I've always loved that cover. It's gorgeous!

Myrna Mackenzie said...

Linnae, 7 times? That's fantastic! By the way, I'm thrilled about all of this not just because To Wed a Rancher was in the top 5, but also because I didn't know about Cover Cafe's contest before. Now I'll be paying more attention. I've bookmarked your site.

Plus, all of this has inspired me to look back over all of my foreign covers. I think I'll scan some of them and do a post on foreign edition covers one day in the near future (there are so many and while many of them are variations of the North American covers, some of them are very unusual). As a result of your contest, I'm a bit fixated on covers this week (that's a good thing, I think). Thank you for sharing the information on Larry's covers!