Thursday, July 19, 2012

Who Knew a Piano Could Be This Versatile?

The Piano Guys give a piano a workout when they all join to play One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful" on a single piano.


Laney4 said...

Loved it, loved it, loved it! So many thoughts running through my head: I liked how the one guy inserted string-like things to effectively sustain a note ... I was (big-time) dancing in my chair while listening ... I liked how THEY appeared to be enjoying themselves ... I'm glad they were wearing identical T-shirts (shows professionalism/seriousness) ... and I would absolutely love to see/hear them play more and more songs, especially on television. (Wouldn't it be great if someone like Ellen DeGeneres had them on her show? Actually, she might have already. I'm only on Mar/12 shows right now, LOL! Now that I've typed that, I'm wondering if they would actually want that, as I noticed a lot of wedding bands on those fingers!)

Laney4 said...

Now you've done it, Myrna! I saved One Direction's video of this song on my computer. Now when I need to get moving, I'm turning it on and dancing in my office! As said above, I love it, love it, love it! (I had no idea that One Direction was composed of young guys like 'N Sync or Backstreet Boys. They're cute!)

Myrna Mackenzie said...

I didn't know that either!

I was just looking for more info on The Piano Guys (I had forgotten that when I've seen them before, there aren't 5 of them). Their Facebook page shows their concerts, but it doesn't appear that they tour outside of Utah and Idaho. It does appear, however, that PBS is going to feature them (I don't know when). Here's a link to an article. It won't show up as a link, I don't think, but you can copy and paste.

Dance away!

Laney4 said...

Great article. Thanks!

Myrna Mackenzie said...

You're welcome. Your earlier comments sent me looking for more info and I had fun researching the group, so thank you!