Saturday, September 14, 2013

How Do You Choose Your Reading Material?

I've been on a Loretta Chase binge lately, reading (or rereading) one of her books after another. I tend to be that way. I've had my Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Mary Balogh, Jayne Ann Krentz and Rachel Gibson binges, among others. I think it's only natural to read a book you've enjoyed and then not want to lose that mood, so you choose another book by the same author. The only problem is that eventually the books run out and you have to move on to another author. I haven't yet decided who my next author will be (not that I ever actually decide. It just kind of...happens). Still, I do love to binge read. Fortunately, I'm always finding new (to me) authors, and it's wonderful when I discover that they have a backlist.

Have you binged on books by any authors lately (or ever)? If so, who?


Mary Preston said...

They do look & sound superb. I've been letting my daughter guide my reading of late. She will read an author & then give me her thoughts. It's not fool proof, but I have found some interesting reads.

Laney4 said...

I'm still searching for Sandra Hyatt books, as they are difficult to find since she died in Aug/11 (although I found one today, squeeeee!).
Today I also bought KEEPING HER SAFE by some new author, LOL, but I won't get to it till at least next month (sad face).
I have been trying to find books by Helen Bianchin (I've read over a dozen of hers so far this summer!), Annie West, Jane Porter, and Olivia Gates, as I have been reading a LOT of books by all the authors noted here so far this year.
It's been a good year of reading!

Myrna Mackenzie said...

Mary, getting recommendations from friends and family is a great way to find new books and authors, isn't it? Plus, I love being able to share discussions later. My sons and I have bonded over several authors (Bill Bryson comes to mind). I love that!

Myrna Mackenzie said...

Elaine, sometimes I enjoy the search almost as much as the books (not quite, but it's so much fun when I find one I thought was forever lost to me). Plus, I like hearing what everyone else is looking for. More to add to my list.

LOL on that new author!