Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Amazon Search Results Tip

I don't know about everyone else, but sometimes when I'm looking for an item (in the example below, an ebook) on Amazon, I'll get 400 pages of results. That's a lot. And if I want to sort those results from say Priced low to high, but concentrate on books priced at 99 cents or $1.99, I don't want to have to keep clicking until I'm past all the free ones. (Note: there's a reason for that. I have a family member who is a voracious reader. I like to give her lots of books, some more expensive ones, but also some less expensive so that I can give her more to read. But you can't gift free books on Amazon. To gift something it has to have a price). 

So...how do you skip to pages farther along in the search without endless clicking? Here's a simple way to do it. First, click to page 2. That brings up the number 2 in the URL.


If you want to go to page 24, for example, simply change the number 2 to 24 (or whatever page you wish to access quickly). And...voila! You're there.


Happy Reading!

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