Books - Other Romance Novels

This is the page where you'll find my romance novels that don't fit into the category of Traditional Romance. Some are romantic suspense, there might be a paranormal element, or the book might be listed here simply because it has at least one love scene.

Some of these are available in paperback versions, and eventually I hope to make all of them available in that format. Clicking through on the link or image will take you to a page with a description and links to all the major booksellers. Eventually, I'll add excerpts there as well, but in the meantime, most of the booksellers have either a Look Inside the Book feature where you can read the first couple of chapters or they offer a free downloadable sample of an ebook, or both.

Angel Eyes

Romantic suspense with a paranormal element

 Angel Eyes by Myrna Mackenzie

Rescue My Heart

Romantic Suspense
 Rescue My Heart by Myrna Mackenzie

The Wish List

Traditional Romance (but there is a love scene)

1 comment:

Lena Charles said...

Writing a book gives authors a chance to share stories of challenges overcome, talk about skills they’ve developed or offer guidance on how to handle a complex subject. Romance novel editing