Friday, September 6, 2013

A Vintage Refrigerator (animated short)

When we first moved into our house many years ago, the kitchen came equipped with an older refrigerator, the kind you had to defrost. I've actually seen it in old Twilight Zone reruns despite the fact that we were decades past the date of those episodes. Nevertheless, we continued to use it, and it continued to hang on. It began to seem as if our refrigerator would last forever.

Then one day the handle simply broke off, the victim of metal fatigue. For several days while we scoured the stores looking for an affordable replacement, we had to shove a chair against it to keep it from coming open. Since then, we've gone through another fridge and are on our third, but this cute animated video brought all the memories of our "vintage fridge" rushing back.

Runaway from Paper Planes on Vimeo.

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