Monday, September 19, 2016

DIY Craft Gifts and Stocking Stuffers: Part 2

I love crafting, and homemade gifts are so awesome. Here are some more fun suggestions.

  Make It With Mason Jars

Mason jars are so versatile, and of course, there's always the usual jams and jellies (if you're a jam and jelly maker). Those can be beautiful and jewel-like, and if you put a pretty bow or label on the jar, it's a great gift. But there are plenty of other ideas for using mason jars. Here's a sewing kit in a jar.
DIY Mason Jar Sewing Kit Gift

And here's the link to the instructions. (There's a video in there as well).

For more ideas on mason jar gifts, check out this Classy Clutter post.

Button Bookmarks

Even if you no longer read print books, we all need to clip things now and then. These pretty button bookmarks are so much nicer than plain paperclips.


Put a small collection of them in a pretty box or bag, and you have a unique gift. Here are the instructions at iheartnaptime. Here's a link to a very brief video or check out the same video below:

Button Rings

More button crafts, please. How about button rings? Here's an easy tutorial at Make Life Lovely. If you prefer a video, here's a link and the video is also below.

 So much fun and pretty simple!

That's the end of the second DIY Craft Gifts and Stocking Stuffers. Here's the link to DIY Craft Gifts and Stocking Stuffers: Part 1 if you missed it.

Have a great day!


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